Tuesday, December 25, 2012


We bought the low-VOC paint for the walls and there was barely a scent. The floor paint, on the other hand, smelled like a clowder of cats got into the basement, had a hissy fit, and marked every corner. We're sitting around the house this evening a little high, not on pot, but on ammonia-scented fumes.

Anyhow, Justin got two coats of our peacock blue on the floor. The color is a little lighter than I've been imagining but I think it looks pretty striking. We think we'll need to put an extra coat down to get an even saturation and coverage. We're hoping to get the floor done by Friday night so we can spend some time this weekend installing base trim and building out the shelving in these two rooms and moving all of our junk back into the rooms.

Here's the snazzy tool room:

Here's the snazzy storage room:


pcs in seattle said...

And the snazzy brewing room goes where?

Laura Feinstein said...

Snazzy brewing room is the same as the snazzy tool room. That room is going to work double for us :)