Monday, May 24, 2010

This weekend

Swinging single again this weekend due to back-to-back regattas, I picked up where I left off last weekend. I weeded the garden beds, picked up some new plants and got down and dirty in the garden. Unlike the other parts of the yard, I don't have a planting layout for the backyard. I figured I'd try playing it a little fast and loose...picking out whatever looked good at the nursery. I did get a little lost in the daylily section but for the most part, I think I did okay with my selections. I don't have enough plants to fill in the bare beds yet so photos of my landscape design are not yet available. But, I will say that I'm going with a "hot" color scheme. That means I'm ditching the pink and pastels and will be planting reds, yellows, oranges, lime greens and looking for interesting contrasts and textures.

Here I'm putting my best foot forward...ha ha...isn't this a FUN! planter?
Justin and I laid the rest of the walkway to the north side of our yard after work last week. All that remains with the stone work now is the walkway out to the alley.

Here, I've plugged the stones in place with a spot of moss. Someday, it'll take over and I'll just have a moss walkway.

Just for fun: Tink gets comfortable...because really, is there anything more to being a cat?

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